Version June 2024


At CLERIGOO TECHNOLOGIES S.L (hereinafter, “CLERIGOO“, “we”, “us”, “our”, “us”), we are committed to offering our users a safe and reliable experience when using our Website, accessible through (hereinafter, the “Website“).

In order to fulfill our commitment to security and reliability, we have established this Privacy Policy. This policy has been developed in compliance with the highest data protection standards, including the European Data Protection Regulation 679/2016, of 27 April (“GDPR“), and the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (“LOPDGDD“). Our goal is to protect the privacy of our users, ensuring transparency and proper handling of their personal data.

This Privacy Policy exclusively regulates the processing of personal data carried out by CLERIGOO through the Website, in relation to access, navigation and use of the Website by any kind of users. Any processing of personal data arising from the use of other services offered in other CLERIGOO environments will be subject to the conditions specified in each case and in their corresponding privacy policies.


As indicated in the Legal Notice, the owner of the website and Responsible for the processing of your personal data is:

  • Owner of the Website: CLERIGOO TECHNOLOGIES, SL
  • Registered office: Calle Casanova, 116, Principal 1a, 08009 Barcelona.
  • NIF/VAT: B44795292
  • E-mail:
  • Commercial Registry Data: Volume 48708; Sheet 147; Page B-593313; 1st Entry.

To provide our different services, we need to collect the following information:

a) Contact details: Contact data (such as name of the representative of the company, mail and telephone) and other relevant corporate data (such as company name, commercial registration data, domicile, VAT number, depending on the service finally contracted).

b) Website Visitors: Contact data and communication data collected through our contact forms, inquiries or registrations on the Website.

c) Social media users: When you interact with us through social media, we collect user names, information related to requests or complaints, and data about entries in contests or promotions organized by us.

In addition to the specific data mentioned above, we collect personal information through corporate e-mails or letters addressed to us, thus facilitating a direct and personalized communication channel with our users.


a) Data collection from legal entities or professionals

When you act on behalf of a legal entity or as an independent professional and contact us, we collect your data to facilitate the provision of the requested service. In addition, with your explicit authorization, e.g. by accepting this policy, we may process your data for marketing purposes.

b) Through our corporate e-mails

Through the following e-mail addresses the user may contact us and/or request the information he/she considers necessary to clarify doubts related to our services:

    • To receive more information about our services.
    • To address privacy and data protection issues of interested parties.

c) Social networks

We may collect your data through your user profile on the social networks we use from Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, as detailed in this Privacy Policy.

d) Behavior and habits on the Website

We may also collect information about your behavior on our Website through cookies, so the user can refer to our Cookie Policy if needed.

e) Online forms

Through our contact form or any other online form of our Website, we will collect the data that are indicated and that are necessary to send us your request or inquiry.

f) When registering in our Website

When registering to our Website we will collect the information required to provide the services (in general, same data of the letter “a”) and, occasionally, other data needed to fulfill the legal requirements.


a) Clients or Users of the Website

The processing of user data is carried out for the purpose of managing the contractual relationship that is established when you want contracting our services. The legal basis for this data processing is the need to execute the contract where the user or client is a party, as set out in Article 6.1.b of the GDPR.

b) Website Visitors

The processing of data of visitors to the Website is carried out to ensure the security of the Website, improve the user experience and, on occasion, provide relevant information about our services. The legal basis is the protection of legitimate interests pursued by CLERIGOO, as set out in Article 6.1.f of the GDPR. This includes the need to ensure the proper functioning and security of the Website, as well as the ability to improve our services and communicate effectively with users.

c) Social network users

The processing of social media user data is carried out for the purpose of managing communication and interaction with our brand through these platforms. This may include responding to inquiries, participating in dialogues and improving our visibility and services. As with visitors to the Website, the legal basis here is the protection of CLERIGOO’s legitimate interests under Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. These interests are understood to include the promotion and development of our activity on social networks, as well as the improvement of interaction and customer service.


At CLERIGOO, when using our Platform, we want to inform you in a transparent way about the treatment of your personal data and how it may be shared, always prioritizing your security and privacy.

First, your data is processed internally by our authorized team for the provision of the services we offer. In addition, we work with suppliers who support us in different operational areas, such as information technology or logistics; with all of them we have agreements that ensure the treatment of your data under strict security and confidentiality measures as data processors.

It is essential that you know that to carry out the transaction and provide the service you request from us, your data may be communicated to the other party involved in the provision of services (as our IT service, outsourced. This communication is based on the legal basis of the need to execute the contract you have with us or the company/entity for which you work and/or collaborate, which is vital to fulfill the purpose of our Website. It may also be the case that we share your data with authorities or governmental entities if required by applicable law.

In situations where it is necessary to share your data outside the European Union or with countries that do not have an adequate level of protection, we will take all necessary precautions to protect your information by complying with regulations and using mechanisms approved by data protection authorities.


At CLERIGOO, we guarantee that we do not make any decisions that rely solely on automated processes, such as profiling, that may produce significant legal effects or impact you in a material way. We are committed to a personal and considerate approach in all our operations, ensuring that the processing of your data always involves a human assessment when it has relevant consequences for you.


The RGPD and the LOPDGDD have implemented legal guarantees that allow the user to exercise rights and actions related to the processing of their data. CLERIGOO offers this legal guarantee, whereby, at any time and/or when deemed appropriate, the user may exercise the following rights:

  • Access to your personal data.
  • Rectify inaccurate or incomplete personal data.
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • Obtain from CLERIGOO the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions provided for in the data protection legislation are met.
  • Request the portability of your personal data or transfer it to another data controller (where applicable).
  • Oppose the processing of your personal data, in accordance with the circumstances established in the data protection legislation.
  • File a complaint with the competent supervisory authority ( if you believe that CLERIGOO has violated applicable data protection legislation.
  • You have the right to be free from decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that may have legal effect on you or significantly affect you.
  • When a processing operation is based on your consent, you may revoke your consent at any time. For the purpose of unsubscribing from commercial communications, you may exercise your right to revoke your consent at any time of such data processing by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the communication sent or by sending your request for revocation to However, the revocation of your consent to such processing will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to that time.

To exercise your data protection rights, you can contact CLERIGOO at or at its registered office. Please note that these rights may be limited and/or qualified in some circumstances by local legislation.


As a user, you are committed to ensuring that the personal information you provide to CLERIGOO is accurate, complete and up to date. It is your responsibility to maintain the accuracy of this information, updating it as necessary to reflect your actual situation. You should be aware that any false or inaccurate information you provide through the Website may result in damage to both CLERIGOO and third parties, and you will be liable for any direct or indirect damage that this may cause. It is important to note that most of the personal information we request is essential to provide you with our service. This means that if you choose not to share with us certain required information, we may not be able to provide you with the service effectively.


To ensure the protection and privacy of the personal data of our users in CLERIGOO, we have implemented a robust security system. This system is designed to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of the information sent or collected through our Website, as set out in this Privacy Policy. We comply with the data protection security levels required by the RGPD and the LOPDGDD, applying all possible technical means to prevent any loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access or theft of data.

Despite our commitment and efforts to keep the Website secure, it is important for you as a user to recognize that no Internet security measure is completely foolproof. Therefore, we invite you to take an active role in protecting your data by taking personal precautions to enhance your online security. While we make every effort to ensure the privacy and security of your personal data, it is crucial that you also take your own measures to protect your information.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the security measures you adopt in relation to the protection of your data are adequate. CLERIGOO is not responsible for the lack of implementation of these security measures by the user, nor for the consequences that this may entail. Likewise, CLERIGOO is exempt from liability for damages caused by third parties outside our organization, including situations of force majeure or acts of God.

Finally, you should be aware that we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties are unable to know how you use the services and functionalities of our website, or that they cannot access or manipulate messages and communications that you disseminate or make available to third parties through our Website. To mitigate these risks, we have established detailed conditions of use in our Legal Notice.


The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from that purpose.

However, once the service has been provided and during the legally required period, they will be kept blocked, adopting the appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent their processing, including their visualization, and being only available to judges, courts, public prosecutors or public administrations, all for the purpose of facing the legal responsibilities that, if applicable, may apply. Once the required legal term has elapsed, this data will be definitively destroyed.


The Website may use third-party cookies to monitor and improve certain features and services. If the user wishes to consult our policy in this regard, please see our Cookies Policy.


CLERIGOO has a corporate profile on the social networks Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. We inform users that there is no link between CLERIGOO and the afore mentioned social networks. Therefore, users will accept their terms of use by accessing them and/or validating their notices, terms, and conditions during the registration process. CLERIGOO is not responsible for the use or processing of user data outside the strict relationship and provision of services indicated in this policy.


CLERIGOO reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to future legislative or jurisprudential developments, as well as future uses it intends to give to the personal data of users of the Website. If such modification affects you in relation to the processing of your data, for example, because an additional processing of the same is carried out, and we have not previously informed you, we will proceed to notify you. It is suggested, in any case, that the user proceeds to read this policy each time you access it.


This Privacy Policy is complemented by the Legal Notice and Cookie Policy, in addition to the other information provided through the Website, including the collaboration agreements that underpin the contractual relationships between CLERIGOO and its partners, and other relevant entities. These agreements detail the basis of our mutual cooperation, ensuring that both CLERIGOO and the partner organizations understand and comply with their respective responsibilities and obligations, with the aim of facilitating and optimizing the process of donating surplus food.

Last update: June, 2024.

© CLERIGOO TECHNOLOGIES, S.L. All rights reserved.